• College Code : 321

SNAI (Student Nurses Association of India)

The Student Nurses of Association of India is a nationwide organization that aims for reaping the Best Nurses by sowing the seeds right from the student period. It was established at Vellalar College of Nursing in 2008.

Executive Board Meeting

Board members met together and planned the activities for the whole year under the guidance of SNA President Dr.Akchaya, Principal and SNA Advisor, Prof.(Mrs).Usharani.L M.Sc Nursing(OBG) . The executive committee met regularly to plan and discuss about various activities.

General Body Meeting

The students expressed their views and problems. The participants and winners of  various competitions were congratulated.

Activities of SNA

Strives hard for the upliftment of the students through professional, educational, extracurricular activities


SNA-TNAI offers yearly scholarship for eligible candidate